Monday, April 8, 2013

Nostalgic Specs

So last week I went to a family break-fasting in Tamani Bintaro. Then I accompanied my dad to the optic store. Suddenly I saw this pretty specs in the display, and I fell in love with it. Oh my. I don't have any plans to change my old clear specs, so I ignore it.. Surprisingly my dad asked me to just go and buy it - that easy. Huh? HUH??? Is this what we called soulmate?? Thanks daddy !

The sort-of leopard frame reminds me of my very first specs back when I was 14, 2nd grade of junior high school, year 1998 maybe? (omg 14 years ago zzzzzzzz) but the brand was Mickey Mouse at that time hahahaha.

And that year I really love Lisa Loeb and listen to her "Tails" album all dayyyyy... She used to wear the same kind of specs. Fangirl.. hehe.

In case you don't know Lisa's face and which album I blab about...

So it feels really nostalgic. Maybe that's why we went together that easy..

Giorgio Armani Specs - Edward Scissorhands Tee - 1979 Easy Legging - VINCCI boat shoes - Vintage Denim Bag from Bali

That kitkat green tea is what I'm craving for right now.. anyone wants to buy me some?

And oh, I can't rotate my pic.. I'm bad with technologies like, seriously.. hahaha!!


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